Tavern Room Private Rental
All grand adventures begin in a Tavern!
Service Description
Total Cost: $7.50 per player per hour. Upfront cost is for the person who booked to secure the timeslot. Each player pays seperately upon arrival. Description: You and your group gain private access to a room inspired by the taverns which launched ten thousand quests. Comfortable seating for seven at the Game Table fits most adventuring parties. Meanwhile larger groups can spread around the room maxing out at ten-twelve before you are all sitting on top of each other (premeptive side-eye to the comment your group's bard just made). Controls for lighting, soundscapes, sound effects, computer display, and rules access will be briefly coached by one of our sage staff members. Those without need of complex lighting or sound control are welcome to use our Spotify account to listen to whatever background music they prefer. Cost FAQs: Upront Cost is paid by the booker. Final cost is $7.50 per player per hour due upon arrival. Example: Six players booking four hours will cost $180 total (6x7.50x4=180). Each member pays their piece when they arrive. This price model allows flexibility in cost to account for no shows and easily allows for surprise extra players without a preponderance of re-charges and/or refunds. Buffer Time: All booked hours end 10 minutes before the top of the hour to respectfully give full time to the next party if the room is booked, otherwise, the last 10 minutes is a gift from Tymora. If you have the next hour you gifted yourself that 10 minutes. Longer Sessions: Multiple hours may be booked sequentially or purchased as needed unless another group has booked the space. To answer an oft asked question, very few TTRPG players are satisfied with a single 1-hour session with most groups needing three or four hours for a typical adventure. The Tavern Room is also frequented by board and card game players who rarely require more than an hour or two.
Cancellation Policy
Rescheduling and/or cancellation for refund of full deposit are possible until 24 hours before event begins. Any outstanding payment for additional players is due upon arrival. I understand that cost for events and rental blocks is per player.
Contact Details
1217 Broadway, Fort Wayne, IN, USA